Saturday 24 January 2015


Same still life but different viewpoint

Here is the greyscale version
My drawing informed by greyscale

I made another drawing today (above) from a different angle, and I looked at the greyscale picture.  This drawing I like more, it has more atmosphere, and a sense of place. I struggled to get the shapes and proportions.  I have not drawn for a few weeks and quickly get out of practice in looking.

Going up close

 Today I zoned in a bit close.  It was a simpler composition but making it work was difficult.
I struggled with the tone and form of the vase and that was the most rewarding part.  The drawing then looked very flat so I edited it by emphasizing the bar of the display unit at the top (actually out of the composition) and softening the drawing of the cloth (actually a ribbed sweater).  The greyscale shot was not that helpful.  This composition was difficult to get because it was so simple and depended on excellent tonal balance, which is very hard to achieve.  I compromised because I felt the selection I had made was not worth a big struggle, I did not like it enough, and also the light was bad, the studio windows were frosted over and I was cold!  Difficult not to get seduced by the beautiful flower pattern on the vase, but that is a different subject.

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